
Cum On Let's Party






Harmony into my life
There ain't nothing in this great big world
You care about
There ain't nothing in this world
That I can't do without

Oh it's gotta be me
Oh it's gotta be me
I can change you
Rearrange you
Wait & see

I believe in everything you say & do
Is there anything you say that may be true
No more second chance your choice is overdue

Oh it's gotta be me
Oh it's gotta be me
I can change you
Rearrange you
Wait & see

Harmony into my life
There ain't nothing in this great big world
You care about
There ain't nothing in this world
That I can't do without

Oh it's gotta be me
Oh it's gotta be me
I can change you
Rearrange you
Wait & see

The attention you receive goes to your head
You'd be better off believing me instead
If you leave me is it something that I said

Oh it's gotta be me
Oh it better be me
I can change you
Rearrange you
Wait & see

Harmony into my life
There ain't nothing in this great big world
You care about
There ain't nothing in this world
That I can't do without

Oh it's gotta be me
Oh it's gotta be me
I can change you
Rearrange you
Wait & see

Wait & see

I can change you
Rearrange you

Hardrockcafe о Slade

Slade Band Members
Lyrics. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics2. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics3. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade.
Classic Rock Festival 2008

Could I
Hear Me Calling




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


Неофициальный сайт легендарной рок группы Slade 2008 © 2025