
Cum On Let's Party




Factory Girl (Jagger/Richards)

Waiting for a girl who's got curlers in her hair
Waiting for a girl she has no money anywhere
We get buses everywhere
Waiting for a factory girl

Waiting for a girl and her knees are much too fat
Waiting for a girl who weares scarves instead of hat
Her zipper's broken down the back
Waiting for a factory girl

Waiting for a girl and she gets me into fights
Waiting for a girl we get drunk on friday nights
She's a sight for sore eyes
Waiting for a factory girl

Waiting for a girl and she's got stains all down her dress
Waiting for a girl and my feet are getting wet
She ain't come out yet
Waiting for a factory girl

Hardrockcafe о Slade

Slade Band Members
Lyrics. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics2. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics3. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade.
Classic Rock Festival 2008

I Luv You
According To Rasputin




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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